Water Drop Shower Gel

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The emotional and intuitive nature

Can you pull it off? I like to think things through and experiment with new concepts. Experimenting always satisfy me! I will always make an effort to express my opinions and approach issues logically. I swear I'll do my best to be fair! How about we hang out right after this, fellas?

Key Ingredients

  • Black Caviar
  • Aloe Vera
  • Marine Postbiotic


Water Drop Shower Gel dengan campuran aroma grape dan cranberry, yang dapat berfungsi untuk memudarkan garis halus, mengurangi kerutan, dan mengencangkan kulit.

Cara Pakai

Mengusapkan body wash pada saat mandi ke area tubuh, sebelum dibilas dengan air.

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