21 Juli – 21 Agustus

Birth Stone Peridot

I have lots of pride and assurance. Don't fall for my magnetic presence. I might love the spotlight, but you won't probably have much energy to beat mine! I have tons of them in mine, for sure. Try to handle me. I am the Leo.

Key Ingredients

  • Mix Fruit AHA (Citrus Grandis Fruit Extract,Solanum Lycopersicum Fruit Extract, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Citrus Limon Peel Extract)


I am Leo Body Lotion dengan aroma ringan dan segar yang dapat membantu menghaluskan kulit, mencerahkan, dan mengharumkan tubuh.

Cara Pakai

Oleskan Satellite of Glow I am Leo Body Lotion ke permukaan kulit tubuh secara merata. Gunakan setelah mandi.

Inspired Perfume by Guerlain - Black Perfecto by La Petite Robe Noire

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